
Preview various interface states without writing a single line of JavaScript.

Stagehand helps designers (and developers) use simple static markup to describe, visualize, and debug complex interface interactions. Just include some simple data attributes in your HTML, and Stagehand will generate a control panel for toggling states of your page.

Stagehand isn’t a tool for integrating with your actual app’s views; it’s a tool that turns static markup into something akin to visual documentation. (Photoshop folks: think of Stagehand as Layer Comps for the browser.)

<p data-stage data-scene='scene 1'>I'm only shown in Scene 1!</p>
<p data-stage data-scene='scene 2'>I'm only shown in Scene 2!</p>

Or, a more concrete use case:

<div data-stage='Search Results' data-scene='initial state'>
  Search for some stuff!

<div data-stage='Search Results' data-scene='results'>
  <!-- your sweet search result markup here -->

<div data-stage='Search Results' data-scene='no results'>
  Sorry, no results, man

Designers can quickly slice designs with filler content and define various states using Stagehand, and developers can then use the Stagehand-enhanced page as a comprehensive reference when they’re implementing features.


Stagehand is dependent upon jQuery, so you’ll need that. Then include the CoffeeScript & SASS (or JavaScript and CSS) files and the toolbar icon (all provided on the Stagehand Github page) and call this method:


Stagehand does the rest. You’ll se a sidebar control generated in the top left of your page, and once you have stages and scenes in your markup, you’ll see controls for manipulating them in there.

Stages, scenes & actors

Stages are groups of elements (or, for the sake of thematic consistency, “actors”). Actors with the same stage will be grouped together in the Stagehand toolbar as one scene. Stagehand will name stages & scenes for you (see example 1) or you can name them yourself (see example 2).

When a scene is active, any actors with that stage & scene will be shown, else they’ll be hidden. Alternately, if you give an actor a data-scene-class or data-scene-id attribute, that class and/or id will be toggled instead – this is shown in example 3.

<div data-stage>
  I'm an actor in stage 1, scene 1

<div data-stage='hammerpants' data-scene='hammertime'>
  I'm an actor in stage 'hammerpants', scene 'hammertime'


Stagehand uses sessionStorage to remember each scene’s state after page refresh.

You can also add data-default-scene to set any scene as the first to be displayed (Stagehand will otherwise default to displaying the first scene listed):

<div data-stage data-scene='stop'>
  I'll be hidden when the page is loaded

<div data-stage data-scene='hammertime' data-default-scene>
  I'll be shown when the page is loaded


There are three special stage names: all, toggle, and !. Anything with a stage name of all is shown in all scenes of its stage, and anything with a stage name of toggle can be toggled on and off. If a scene name begins with !, it’ll be active for every scene except the one(s) listed (e.g. data-scene='!bar')

You can nest stages & scenes, and assign multiples of either (separated by commas).

Check out example 4 for more info on Stagehand’s more complex interactions.


In case you need some supporting JavaScript to fire, there’s an afterSceneChange callback that provides you with a few useful parameters:

Stagehand.afterSceneChange = function($actors_on) {
  // $actors_on is the set of actors that just got toggled on by this scene change


If you’d prefer that the Stagehand toolbar overlay on top of your page rather than pushing everything to the right when it expands, set overlay to true:

  overlay: true


If you’re running Stagehand inside a single-page app (Ember or some such), you’ll need to reparse the document if something changes:


Issues / Contributing

I (camerond) am actively maintaining this project.

Naturally, submit any bug reports / feature requests on Github, or just pester me at @camerondaigle. Honestly, Stagehand does everything that I can currently imagine needing, but feel free to fork it and contribute your ideas, and I’ll merge ‘em if they pass muster. Be aware that there’s a QUnit suite as well.

To run the suite, clone the project, bundle, run bundle exec middleman and visit /test.